Open-access resources (2019)

Anthropology is an exciting field for open-access publishing. These are a few high-quality resources that students around the world can use for free. Anthropology students may want to start with the journals and book websites marked with an *.

Generalist Journals

  • *Anthropology of this Century - An open access peer-reviewed journal

  • *Cultural Anthropology – An open access peer-reviewed journal that includes a wide variety of blog posts, teaching materials and multi-media content

  • *Hau – A semi-open-access peer-reviewed journal (get the new articles when they come out, before they get paywalled)

  • *Homme - A peer-reviewed journal in English & French. All articles dating back a year or two are open access

  • Suomen Antropologi - Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society

  • *Terrain - An open access peer-reviewed journal featuring brief articles (mostly in French)



Course Materials

Specific Journals