Talks and conference papers


University of Amsterdam, ERC Starting Grant workshop, “How to get an ERC Starting Grant”, 21/05/2024

University of Amsterdam Social Anthropology & Centre for Conflict studies: Organised & moderated a “Roundtable on the current situation in Haiti”, 12/04/2024. Available here:

University of Amsterdam, Social Anthropology, “How to get an ERC Starting Grant”, 29/02/2024

University of Oslo, Museum of Cultural History (Kulturhistorisk museum): “How to get an ERC Starting Grant”. 02/02/2024

University of Amsterdam, Social Anthropology, Moving Matters Research Seminar: “Blended finance to the rescue”, 1/02/2024

University of Oslo, The Collective for the Political Determinants of Health, The Political Determinants of Health - 10 Years On, “Innovative financing for pandemic preparedness”. Panel: Innovation, medical products and equity. 18-19/01/2024

Workshop: The Future of the Collective for the Political Determinants of Health, The Collective for the Political Determinants of Health, University of Oslo, Geilo, Norway 15-17/01/2024

American Anthropological Association (AAA), Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada “Financial "innovation" and state-market boundaries in Global health”. Panel: Funding to Transcend and to Transgress: Local Sociopolitical Impacts of Shifting Global Health and Development Funding Ideologies. 15/11/2023

UN University and Oxfam, Oxford, UNU-IIGH Expert Group Meeting on the Accountability of Powerful Private Actors in Global Health,Blended finance to the rescue”. 8/10/2023 Meeting Report:

Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Policy Dialogue on Health Financialisation, Tenth South-South Forum on Sustainability. “Financialising Global Health: The Example of COVAX” 11/7/2023

University of Oxford, Co-shaping global health: Institutional solutions conference, Blavatnik School of Governance. “Financial innovation for pandemic preparedness” 23/3/2023

American Anthropological Association (AAA), Annual Conference. “Unsettling Finance? an Examination of Esg and Impact Investment.” Discussant 11/11/2022

University of Oslo, Workshop on “The Smartphone Pandemic: Mobile technologies and data in the COVID-19 Discussant” 16/6/2022

University of Oslo, Afterlives of Epidemics Conference. “False beginnings and false endings in Haiti’s Cholera Epidemic” 9/6/2022

University of Oslo, Lifetimes of Epidemics Seminar, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, “False beginnings and false endings in Haiti’s Cholera Epidemic” 28/10/2021

German Ethics Council, International Perspectives on Pandemic Preparedness and Response “International cooperation to increase access to COVID-19 vaccines” 28/5/2021

Globvac Conference 2021, Parallel Session 1, Symposium 3: Politics of pandemic preparedness “Public-private partnerships for Covid-19 vaccines: governance and financialization20/4/2021

University of Oslo, Centre for Development and the Environment, SUM Forum, “Global Health Futures: How COVAX works and who pays for it20/4/2021

The Royal Anthropological Institute & The British Museum: Reviewer Meets Reviewed: “Work, Sleep, Repeat: the Abstract Labour of German Management Consultants 19/11/19 Listen to the conversation with James Carrier here:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts; Participant in the conference on: “Open Access for Anthropology: A Model for Universal OA” 24/4/2019

University of Edinburgh: Healthy and Sustainable Futures Exhibition: Water and Cholera in Haiti” 2/4/2019. Details available at:

Brocher Foundation, Geneva. Chair of the panel discussion on : ‘The World Bank’s Economic Lens on Healthcare’. Part of the conference on ‘Disrupting Global Health Narratives: Alternative Perspectives on the World Bank’s Influence on Global Health Governance.’ 22/1/2019

Max Planck Cambridge Centre for the Study of Ethics, Human Economy and Social Change (Max-Cam), Podcast Interview 18/01/2019. Available at:

University of Cambridge, Department of Social Anthropology, Senior Research Seminars, 'Collaborating with elites? Re-considering research ethics in a corporate context' 19/10/2018

Max Planck Cambridge Centre for the Study of Ethics, Human Economy and Social Change (Max-Cam), Book Symposium: 'Work Sleep Repeat: The Abstract Labour of German Management Consultants' 18/10/2018

American Anthropological Association (AAA), Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 'Collaborating with Elites? Re-considering research ethics in corporate contexts'. Panel: Ethnography in Elite White-Collar Contexts: Methods, Access, and Privilege when "Studying Up" . 2/12/2017

Rutgers University, Conference on 'Finance, Financialization and their Impact on the Right to Health'. 19/06/2017-21/06/2017 See the conference report here or download the [PDF]

London School of Economics and University of Kent conference on Anthropology and Wilful Blindness, 'Profitable Uncertainty and Wilful Blindness'. 16/06/2017-17/6/2017

University of Edinburgh, Usher Institute, Global Health Conference 'Ebola Bonds? The World Bank’s current financial activities around pandemic preparedness' 26/5/2017

University of Edinburgh, Usher Institute, Research Seminar 'A closer look at management consultants in healthcare' 18/5/2017

University of Bergen, Egalitarianism and Anthropology Working Group, 'Selves and Commodities - The moral economy of business consultants' 24/3/2017

University of Bergen, Senior Anthropology Research Seminar, 'Profitable Uncertainty' 23/3/2017

University of Cambridge, Social Anthropology Society, 'Selves and Commodities - The moral economy of business consultants' 22/2/2017

EASA Biennial Conference, Milan,'Selves and Commodities - The moral economy of business consultants' 20/7/2016.

Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPM), 'Economies of Legitimacy' 12/5/2016.

London School of Economics, Anthropology Student Away Day, 'Economies of Legitimacy' 17/2/2016.

London School of Economics, Inequalities Conference, 'Economies of Legitimacy' 27/11/2015.

American Anthropological Association (AAA), Annual Meeting, Denver, 'Permanent Urgency' 19/7/2015.

University of Cambridge, Clareity Research Symposium, Clare College, Cambridge, 'The tragedy of time management' 12/3/2015.

University of Warwick, Research Seminar, 'The tragedy of time management' 21/1/2015.