Gender (2016)
Video and audio
Reading List
Ethnographies [key readings are marked with a *]
* Astuti, Rita. 1998 ‘”It’s a boy”, “it’s a girl!” Reflections on sex and gender in Madagascar and beyond.’ In Lambek and Strathern eds. Bodies and Persons. Cambridge: CUP.
*Mead, Margaret. "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies." In Sex and Gender, 220-25. New York: Morrow, 1963 [1935].
Brandes, S. 1981. ‘Like Wounded Stags’. In Sherry B. Ortner and Harriet Whitehead, eds. Sexual Meanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge University Press.
Gay y Blasco, P.1999. Gypsies of Madrid: Sex, Gender and the Performance of Identity. Oxford: Berg Press. OR — 1997. ‘A “different” body? Desire and virginity among Gitanos’ Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 3.
Gillison, G. 1980. ‘Images of Nature in Gimi Thought’. In. C. MacCormack and M. Strathern, eds. Nature, Culture and Gender. Cambridge: UP.
Kanaaneh, R. 2005. “Boys or Men? Duped or “Made”? – Palestinian Soldiers in the Israeli Military.” American Ethnologist 32: 260-75.
Kulick, D. 1997. ‘The Gender of Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes’. American Anthropologist, 99: 574-85.
Stewart, M. 1997. The Time of the Gypsies. Oxford: Westview Press. (chapter 12)
Theory: ‘gender’, ‘difference’ and ‘nature’.
*Ortner, S. 1974 ‘Is female to male as nature is to culture?’ In Woman, Culture, and Society eds. Rosaldo and Lamphere. Stanford University Press (see also introduction to this volume, available on Google Books).
Barnes, J. 1978. Is genetrix:genitor::nature:culture? In J. Goody, ed. The Character of Kinship. CUP.
*Butler, J. “Imitation and Gender Insubordination.” In The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, edited by Henry Abelove, Michèle Aina Barale and David M. Halperin, 307-20. New York, London: Routledge, 1992. OR — Gender Trouble. New York and London: Routledge, 1999. (particularly Part one: IIPart Three, Chapter IV and the Conclusion)
Connell R.W. (1987) Gender and Power. Polity Press (Introduction & chapter 4)
MacCormack, C. 1980. Introduction. In, C. McCormack and M. Strathern eds. Nature, Culture, Gender. Cambridge: University Press.
Moore, H. 1994. Introduction and chapter 1, A Passion for Difference, Cambridge: Polity. OR — 1994. ‘Understanding Sex and Gender’ in T. Ingold (ed). Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Strathern, M. 1980. No Nature; No Culture. In, C. McCormack and M. Strathern eds. Nature, Culture, Gender. Cambridge: University Press
Yanagisako, S.J., and Jane Fishburne Collier. 1987. “Toward a Unified Analysis of Gender and Kinship.” In Gender and Kinship – Essays toward a Unified Analysis, edited by Jane Fishburne Collier and Sylvia Junko Yanagisako, 15-51. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. [for those who are new to gender debates, this is a good starting point]